Comprehensive Counseling

Our Core Belief: Each Student is Unique
For our Comprehensive Counseling plan, we provide two services: academic counseling and artistic counseling. With the former, we’ll help you gather the academic materials needed to apply for colleges. For the latter, we’ll guide you in developing the portfolio pieces you’ll need to showcase your unique perspective, personality, and talents to admissions teams.
Here is a breakdown of what you can expect with the integrated approach in our Comprehensive Counseling package:
Academic Couseling
- Academics: course planning and transcript review
- Informal assessments: interests and abilities
- Standardized testing: planning and analysis
- Standard applications: Common App, Coalition, UC, UCAS, and others
- Recommendations for extra- and co-curricular activities, internships
- Transfer, gap year, pre-college, and summer programs
- Time management strategies
- Essays and resumes
- College visits
- Social media strategies
- Interviews and college visits
- FAFSA and Profile applications
- Scholarship search
- Evaluate admission decisions and award packages to select the college that fits you best.
Artistic Counseling
- Exploration of student interests, skills, and abilities
- Review and evaluation of current portfolio/artwork
- Examination of degree programs and majors
- Targeted best-fit college list development
- Structured process and portfolio development and content editing
- Assignment and critiques of projects to enhance and build portfolio content
- In-depth review of college-specific requirements (including supplemental visual assignments)
- Strategies for showcasing strengths to exceed requirements
- Maximizing portfolio for multiple applications
- Preparation of artist’s statements and creative resume
- Labeling, identification, and inventory of artwork
- Technical considerations: photography, digitization
- Recommendations for attending National Portfolio Day events
- Best practices for prospective professional artists
- Extra- or co-curricular arts education
- Pre-College summer art programs
- SlideRoom and Common Application supplement submission
Cover All Your Bases With Us
We want you to have everything you need to put your best foot forward with each college application, so get in touch with us to start preparing all the required material. We provide a complimentary 20-minute consultation to introduce ourselves, discuss our Counseling plans, and learn about your unique objectives.
Please keep in mind that we don’t provide Academic Counseling as a stand-alone service. It’s only included in our comprehensive plan.
Contact us today for the holistic assistance you need to navigate college admissions.
Let's Connect
Finding the right college counselor is the key step in a successful college planning process. To help decide whether our services are the best path forward for students, we offer a 20-minute, complimentary phone meeting to introduce ourselves, get to know you and explain our process. Afterward, we’ll prepare a written proposal to outline our plan for working with you, that includes a suggested sequence and associated fees. Each plan for counseling is customized, based on the student’s abilities, skills and educational objectives.